I´ve always lived with dogs, since I can remember...
I inherit this passion from my father, who already was in this "dog world" around the eighties, when I was a very littl girl, as a German Shepperd working judge. We´ve always loved dogs and I had the great luck of sharing my life with several of these beings, all of them so special, that I can affirm without any doubt that a big part of who I am today is due to them. But it is in 2006 when it came into my life the dog which would change it forever, Ason, my first newfoundland .With him I started to go to water rescue courses, also shows and quickly I understood that this breed had stolen my heart forever. Since then to nowadays I´ve had the opportunity of showing my newfies in Spain and around Europe, and also attend to grooming seminars with some of the best european newfoundland breeders. I´ve attended to several breeding seminars too and I completed my studies as veterinarian assistant and that´s my job today. For me, to breed newfoundland dogs is a passion but also a great responsibility , so my only goal is breeding healthy and typical newfoundlands. You are all invited to visit my website and to know me and my dogs a little bit more. Welcome!!! |